Our Statement of Purpose, Vision and Affirming Vision are stated below.

Statement of Purpose (1984)

In response to God's call, and in accordance with God's plan the purpose of Grace United Church is to be a community of faith and love celebrating God's presence and forgiveness, united in God's spiritual gifts to draw all people to God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Vision (1996)

God's grace shines in our celebrating people.
We grow in faith together and share our love of Jesus Christ.
We welcome challenges, confident that God will guide us.


Affirming Vision (2018)

We are called to be the Church;
  People of all sexual orientations and gender identities
  In full participation in the life and work of our ministry.
To celebrate God’s presence;
  Gathered around a safe and open table and font.
To live with respect in Creation;
  Committed to inclusion and celebrating diversity.
To love and serve others;
  Respecting and celebrating differences.
To seek justice and resist evil;
  Challenging the power of class, race, sex, age, and ability.
To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope;
  Confident that God will guide us.